Thursday, August 23, 2012

stuff i have been working on.. plaster death masks, shrunken coyote head, and mounts!

Friday, July 6, 2012

animal show at pterodactyl gallery in philadelphia, PA.

my piece for the animal show at pterodactyl gallery in philadelphia, pa. it is a deer with a peephole in its chest. you are drawn in by bird and wind sounds coming from the deer, and flickers of light peering out from the peephole. you look inside to watch a video. the video was done as a collaboration between me and a friend.

if any of you guys live in or near philadelphia, pa, you should definitely come out to this; even though they spelled my name wrong haha. attempted to fix it on photoshop.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

commissioned custom mount completed and shipped!

updates and such

i forget to update here, sorry! the rogue taxidermy show was awesome! got to meet a bunch of great people and even sold a piece! i have been busy finishing up the semester and working on mounts. here is what i have been up to-

got to help work on a tiger for a local zoo! it was 13 years old and had cancer so it was put down.. it weighed 750 pounds!

mounted a huge coyote!

have a few deer eye curio shadowbox displays for sale again too!

mounts from LA for sale!

mink for sale!

coyote tail keychains!

grey fox tail keychains for sale!

 silver fox tails for sale!-

raccoon tails for sale!

Friday, April 13, 2012

antlered fox for Rogue Taxidermy show!

Rogue Taxidermy 2012 Biennial in Los Angeles, CA, at La Luz de Jesus Gallery!

doe terrarium work in progress

wrapped body fox

delayed update! death masks, wrapped mounts, deer!

fox death masks

using a carcass as reference to wrap a body.

 roadkill baby fox.. stuffed with wood wool and clay. going to be used in a diorama.

 this was the doe that had the fetuses inside

 long haired doe

 mutant, devil, fanged deranged, weird doe!
 roadkill raccoon

roadkill coyote