Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oddities Marathon

Hey all! There is an Oddities New Year's Eve marathon on today! There will be a "Best of," episode at 9pm eastern time and my episode, "Holiday Bizarre," will be on again at 9:30! Hope everyone has a good New Year's!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Oddities Feature and Clips!

link to the full episode!

Rudolph's Revenge Clip with my albino deer

it turned out great even though i was nervous!

custom mount and wet specimens!

 custom cow head mount for a customer!

 preserved roadkill doe heart, will be for sale soon! needs a bigger jar!
 preserved roadkill skinned fox head
 roadkill damaged opossum baby
roadkill opossum babies! only two left!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

past projects and updates

 my workbench
 some feral hog skulls

 cast lead coyote skull
cast cement fox pup carcass and coyote skull

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

woolf wip

wolf head is almost finished.. it was a surprise gift for my boyfriend but i got too excited and ruined the surprise haha. he is an artist and paints so that is why it has a brush in its mouth and is mounted on a custom made oak painters palette. the coyote still needs his finishing touches too!

Friday, August 19, 2011

more little curio displays

personal projects

This is a work in progress picture of the coyote i am using to revamp my fox shelves project... hopefully he will be finished this weekend before i go back to school.
personal white coyote headdress made using a garment quality acid rotted skin. possible commissions on headdresses- please contact me!

shadow boxes and more on etsy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

bones and update

                           first attempt cement cast.. legs still need work!
first batch of bones from my maceration bucket. a mix of roadkill fawn and found raccoon bones.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

new roadkill

plus a coyote, raccoon, and a cat.